June 12, 2024

New LinkedIn job ads appear every minute of every day; thus, we should know timing is vital for engagement on social media. LinkedIn has been known for its tremendous professional connections because it is the most popular career platform in the world. It is no doubt an excellent platform that links employers with quality employees. Due to this, there is a need to know the best time to post jobs on LinkedIn.

From research, there are over

930 million members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide using LinkedIn. They majorly use LinkedIn for professional networking. Hence, that makes LinkedIn the biggest virtual job market on the globe.

LinkedIn is a blessing for companies eager to find quality candidates online. This is because you can post job Ads at zero cost, provided it is a non-promoted job. Due to this, there is a lot of competition among employers. Yet, posting a job post can be easy, but it is essential to know the best time to post jobs on LinkedIn. To know the best timing, keep reading.

Best Time to Post Jobs on LinkedIn

Since LinkedIn is a professional platform, it is essential to be mindful of when you post your job if you want the right candidate to see your job posts. You may think that after-work hours would be the best time to post a job ad. However, it is false. Because people are less likely to check job sites after conventional work hours.

So, the best time to post your job ad is in the morning or between leaving for work and during the commute. This time employees looking for a new job have time to kill before work and during lunch hours. Posting at this time will ensure that when job hunters begin their search, your job ad finds itself at the top of the pile.

Accordingly, LinkedIn is the only social platform to report a weekday as one of the top days to post jobs. Therefore the best time to post jobs on LinkedIn is between 9 – 12 PM, 12 – 3 PM, or 3 – 6 PM. This timing will make your job post reach the targeted audience.

What is the Best Day to Post Jobs on LinkedIn?

The best day to post your job ads is during the week. Though, most people make the mistake of thinking it is better to post on weekends.

However, it is found that any job posted during the week has the highest number Of engagement by employees.

Thus, the best days to post jobs on LinkedIn are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Why not Monday and Friday? 

There are no certain days you can not post your job ads. But some days and timing are better than others. Professionals do not always have time to job hunt on Mondays and Fridays. 

This is because Mondays are usually used to respond to emails received during the weekend. Also, they use it to plan what they will do for the rest of the work week. On the other hand, Fridays are used for finishing their weekly tasks. Hence they may not have time to browse jobs. However, that does not mean you cannot post on Mondays. 

Can I post My Job Ads on Weekends?

As said early, you should be time conscious about your job postings. Thus, you may need to eliminate weekends as the best time for posting on LinkedIn. This is because many people usually reserve weekends for their hobbies, quality time with their loved ones, and various family activities. 

Likewise, they use it to get ready for the week’s work. 

Accordingly, the lowest-performing days are Sundays and Saturdays, respectively

Check other LinkedIn tips

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Wrapping Up

The Pandemic has made a significant reshuffle in how people access the Internet. Hence, finding jobs is also not an exception.

Thus, job seekers visit the site and tend to find a new job early on weekdays since that is what they do during the Covid 19 lockdown.

Ultimately, the best content marketers know that, when it comes to driving impact and engagement, timing is essential. Accordingly, the best time to post jobs on LinkedIn is between 8 am and 5 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.